Mindful Marketing: 5 Tips For Inclusive Marketing

Green background displaying a group of people of various ethnicities and marketing symbols behind them symbolising inclusive marketing

We relate to brands that we resonate with. When we see ourselves or an idea of ourselves in a brand, we feel seen. Inclusive marketing is a way of going further, pushing that envelope but it isn’t and shouldn’t be a token gesture. We see it time and time again when a business shoe horns in diversity across marketing campaigns. If you’re not an inclusive brand, then don’t do it. How do you instil inclusive marketing and more importantly where do you start?

1. Avoid Bandwagons

The most obvious choice when adopting inclusive marketing is joining in on National Days that celebrate diversity. This isn’t just a nicety though or celebration, these days exist to spread awareness and to break barriers. So why shouldn’t you join in and post about mental health on your social channels? Why shouldn’t you adorn the LGBT Pride colours on your logo during Pride Month?

Because these issues don’t only exist during those time periods. If you’re not showing solidarity and awareness day in, week out, year round then don’t. It actually looks worse and is more damaging to your brand’s reputation. Think about your audience and who engages with you. It shouldn’t be a sales tactic to jump on the diversity bandwagon. 

2. Audit Your Existing Presence

Look at what you’re already doing. Is inclusive marketing a part of your business’ marketing strategy already? Do you show a diverse range of cultural identities in your marketing material and campaigns? Do you actually talk in detail about the benefits of services, products and your business to those who may be mis or underrepresented? Of course, only do this if it does actually make a difference.

Are you a part of programs, give to charitable organisations, have a corporate social responsibility or diversity program within your business? Speak to your team members who are in charge of these. Ask for stats, information and how they would go about to display any of the positive impacts that you may already be making. A lot of inclusive marketing is adapting your brand’s identity with your core ethics at the heart. 

3. Listen To Your Audience

Do some consumer research, look at your reviews, testimonials. Do surveys, ask for feedback, admit that you could be doing better. If your audience is loyal to your brand, they will want to help, engage and feel more included.

That’s the main principle of inclusive marketing. That we all want to feel seen, feel heard and we no longer just want brands to talk about themselves. 

80% of Gen-Z Consumers are likely to base purchases on a brand’s mission or purpose.

4. Engage With Your Employees

How inclusive is your business? Do you have an EDI policy? How many people in your business talk openly about their sexual orientation or gender identity? That may be a bigger issue or subject for another day but the probability of someone feeling unseen is great.

They may actually want to help with planning something for Pride Month that isn’t just a bake sale or wearing a pair of rainbow socks. They may want to tell stories that champion LGBT inclusion, LGBT heritage and ensure that the whole month and even after, recognises LGBT customers and your brand is a safe space. 

5.Start Small With Inclusive Marketing

You’re not looking to reinvent the wheel. Being kind is pretty easy to do and that’s simply what a lot of inclusive marketing is. It’s recognising that your audience is made up of people of various identities. 

So start small!

You’re not going to change the world overnight. Perhaps, look at your products or services that diverse customers resonate with. Share feel good stories or look at things that you could be doing to make a difference. Does your brand have a passion for trans rights? Inclusive recruitment practices? Men’s mental health? Gender equality? Sustainability? Just have a real think about what it is that your brand does.

Also don’t be afraid of getting things wrong. Getting things wrong is often the first step in trying or at least changing something. There are plenty of people out there who can help, offer advice and by showing kindness and compassion when it comes to inclusion, you’ll receive it back in bucket loads.

For anyone who is part of an underrepresented group, feeling a sense of belonging is precious. Seeing a campaign that features men’s mental health, two Mums or two Dads sitting at a breakfast table eating cereal, different skin shades and pigments for a makeup ad makes people feel seen. Especially for the younger generation, identifying themselves in inclusive marketing campaigns is not only important, it correctly reflects communities, society and the world in which we live. 

Talk to Victress about Inclusive Marketing

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to inclusive marketing. Maybe you’re worried about getting it wrong. Get in touch with Victress and our SEO and LGBT+ Mental Health partner, Lee Reavill to talk about starting small and learning from your existing brand ethics. 

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